Marriott: Sustainability Goals for 2025 and Beyond
What do the largest single operator of hotels in the world and the global leader in water, hygiene and energy technologies and services have in common? Shared values that put people first, a commitment to sustainability and a global reach. These common principles underlie Marriott and Ecolab’s successful, longstanding partnership.
“We want to be known as the world's favorite travel company while fulfilling our global responsibility to be a force for good,” said Denise Naguib, vice president, sustainability and supplier diversity, Marriott International. “Partnering with a solutions provider such as Ecolab helps us achieve our sustainability goals and ensure that we provide an exemplary experience to our guests.”
Marriott has ambitious 2025 sustainability and social impact goals for its more than 6,500 global properties and Ecolab’s technologies directly impact three key goals:
- Reducing water intensity by 15 percent
- Reducing carbon intensity by 30 percent
- Reducing waste to landfill by 45 percent
At the same time, Marriott needs to ensure that the experience it delivers to its guests meets or exceeds expectations. The challenge is to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness for dishes, linens
and water, while driving operational efficiency and sustainability.

From the guest room to the kitchen, the laundries to the cooling towers, Ecolab’s solutions deliver a positive environmental impact without sacrificing the quality that guests expect from a Marriott property.
Technology highlights:
Aquanomic™ Low-Temp Laundry Program, which produces consistently superior results and extends linen life, reduces rewash, saves water and energy, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
3D TRASAR™ Technology for Cooling Water delivers on-demand control and optimization of cooling systems, helping customers protect their assets while delivering water and energy savings. The innovative technology detects the upsets that precede scaling, corrosion, and biofouling using real-time data and determines the correct response, to deliver optimal performance and savings.
These and other solutions have helped Marriott International maintain the highest guest standards and achieve significant savings in water, energy, CO2 emissions and solid waste that help contribute to Marriott’s 2025 sustainability goals.

Annual Savings
3.34 billion
liters of water - equivalent to the annual drinking water needs of more than
3 million people
114 million
kWh of energy
21,500 metric tons
of CO2e
2 million
pounds of waste