Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) provide information about a substance or mixture for use in workplace chemical management. Not all Ecolab or Nalco Water safety data sheets are available online. 

Please be informed about a change in Emergency numbers for Europe, valid from 1st July 2017. On our Safety Data Sheets, the old numbers will be systematically replaced by new ones. In the meantime in emergency situations (unintended incidents, such as a chemical spill, transport incident or unintended chemical exposure), please call the appropriate local Emergency Contact. For general inquiries about SDS, our products or our services please contact our Customer Service Team at +39 039 6050373 or +39 039 6050374.

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Ecolab SDS / MSDS

Ecolab Safety Data Sheets for all countries are available online. Visit the Ecolab SDS / MSDS Portal to search for these Ecolab SDS / MSDS.

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Nalco Water SDS / MSDS

Nalco Water Safety Data Sheets are not available online. Click below to request an SDS / MSDS from Nalco Water customer service.