Ready to Use Surface Disinfection
Without Post Rinse
Food Manufacturers implementing intermediate hygiene procedures in dry or semi-dry processing environments encounter very specific, critical needs. These include:
- Minimizing water footprint
- Productivity improvement by reducing cleaning time
- Easy to use, user-friendly solutions driving consistent cleaning results
- Food contact surfaces without biocidal residues
To meet these specific challenges, Ecolab provides a range of ready-to-use, ethanol or hydrogen peroxide-based spray disinfectants designed for frequent use on food and non-food contact surfaces in the Food & Beverage Industry:
- Inside production as pre-operation, intermediate and terminal disinfection of clean food contact surfaces, e.g. cutting, packaging machines.
- Outside production: e.g. door handles, handrails and other frequently touched objects, throughout facilities such as social rooms, offices and reception areas.
Featured Products
DrySan Oxy
Ready-to-use, hydrogen peroxide-based Surface Cleaner & Disinfectant designed for daily use in areas where water is undesirable and may affect sensitive equipment. As such it is perfectly suited to dry process and mid-shift manual surface cleaning in the food, dairy and beverage industries.

OxyDes Rapid
Ready-to-use, hydrogen peroxide-based Surface Disinfectant designed for use in production areas where water is undesirable. It is used in dry areas and as a mid-shift disinfectant for pre-cleaned or unsoiled food contact surfaces in the food, dairy and beverage industries.

Alcodes GF
Ethanol-based, quick-drying RTU hard surface disinfectant for use on food and non-food contact surfaces without post-rinse to prevent cross-contamination inside and outside production. It is designed without glutaraldehyde, quats, MEK or bitrex to provide the highest